
26th is the last day as 26; 27th is the first day as 27

pink-tilted-tiara-and-number-27-hiAnother year has gone by and tomorrow I will turn twenty-seven. This time two years ago I was freaking out about my age and where my life was. Being half way to fifty really hit me hard; I truly had my quarter life crisis at twenty-five.

I was reading my post from last year; it was about my turning twenty-six. I was resolved to be more positive and enjoy where my life was.

“I don’t want to be nearly 27 and thinking man I wish I would of….so between 26 and gulp 27 I’m going to try new things and I’m going to within law and safety constrictions not say no to anything. There will be no panic attack over my age this year!”

VintageLady-HBDayGarlandB_originalThis year I did as I hoped I would. I’ve reflected back on the past twelve months I see a lot of fun movie nights with my girlfriends, I see the completion of a massive project (my parents house), I see spending a month with my best friend in the sun and on the sand, I see a wonderful weekend in NYC with an amazing man, another week in Florida with my bestie an the same amazing man, I see being told I’ll be an aunt in February, I see working as a News Correspondent, fulfilling a dream to visit Harry Potter land, and I see a year that has been one of the best yet.

Twenty-five was hard so I decided to make twenty-six better.

Twenty-six was great so I want to make twenty-seven one for the record books; reach for the stars, be endlessly happy, and successful.

Oh yes, my post title. Did you get it? Today is the 26th of January and it’s my last day as a 26 year old. Tomorrow, my 27th birthday is on the 27th of January.

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