Greek Life, Life, Post-Grad, Uncategorized


20131126-195516.jpgI’ve lived in Ohio most of my life so the insane weather here is nothing new. As a kid it was a special kind of excitement to wake up to the world covered in thick white snow; every inch of your skin shacking with hopeful excitement for the magic words “snow day!”

Even in college the snow created a similar effect; bundling up and flying outside for a snowball fight and snow angels, coming back inside soaked and freezing to tea and a movie. Those were some of my favorite college memories cuddled up on the cushie couches in the  Phi Mu suite watching Disney movies and laughing.

Now snow just means putting away my cute shoes, getting up extra early, and a decreased life radius; I basically never leave my county. Today however was a little something special.

Ohio was being hammered all afternoon by snow. So by the time I left work the roads were totally covered. I put my Jeep into four wheel drive and headed home like nothing was going on, much slower then usual, but I never slipped once. I passed the tracks of cars that went into the ditch, cars skidding backwards down a hill, cars spinning in place, even bikers getting back up after their bike slipped out from under them.

I had to keep telling myself not to jinx my luck and celebrate until I got home; seriously my car is incredable! I loved my old blazer but I think I’m a Jeep owner for the rest of my life.

So while snow days no long mean a free day to stay in pajama reading, watching movies, or outside playing in the snow I’m going to try and remember that snow used to be something to celebrate; even if it does just mean a chance to gloat over my vehicle awesomeness.

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