DIY, Money, Once Forgotten, Parents, small business

Once Forgotten

I've daydreamed about starting a business where I can do all the things I love and make some side cash doing it. It's time to stop dreaming and just do it. So here it is officially my business: OF; Once Forgotten. I've spent the last couple of years trying to mentally and verbally figure out… Continue reading Once Forgotten


Our “Favorite” Movie Of All Time

The regular trio of friends that have been doing the movie nights off of crazy lists of movies (listed at the bottom) decided to take a break from the unknown list of movies to indulge in and share one each of our "favorite" movies. Personally I don't have a "favorite" movie, I am a movie… Continue reading Our “Favorite” Movie Of All Time


Final Trio of 80’s Hits

We finally finished the the top ten grossing movies for the 1980s. I love 80s movies, they're some of my favorite movies! So I was really looking forward to doing the 80's for our movie nights. However the Brat Pack movies are quite different than the minority of the top grossing films on this list.… Continue reading Final Trio of 80’s Hits


Trio of 80’s Hits

The next three 80's films on the top ten grossing films from the 1980's are as follows: 1984: Ghostbusters 1985: Back to the Future 1986: Top Gun Gostbusters was...well stupid. Sorry fans but the story line was non existent, the acting was alright, the graphics are as you would expect for an 80's film...but over… Continue reading Trio of 80’s Hits

Life, Money

Top Grossing Films from 1981, 82′, and 83′

Several months back I started a girls night where we went through the top 10 greatest movies of all time (see my many blog posts on each title). After we finished that list we decided to do another and went with the top grossing films for the 1980s. The past several weeks we have watched the… Continue reading Top Grossing Films from 1981, 82′, and 83′

Bucket List

14. Have a girls night in at least once a month

I haven't crossed anything off my bucket list in a while! Number fourteen have a girls night once a month has been going on for a while now with the movie nights. We had such a good time with the first list that we decided to start another! Once a week, every other at the most, my… Continue reading 14. Have a girls night in at least once a month

Bucket List

34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 2 & 1

And so the Greatest American Movies of All Time Bucket List item comes to a close. Myself along with a hand full of friends watched one of the top ten movies every other week, along with a fun dinner themed around the movie. The final two movies we watched were the Godfather and Citizen Kane.… Continue reading 34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 2 & 1

Bucket List

34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 4 & 3

Another duo of Great American Movies  and another step closer to the end of this particular bucket list item. I have to say adding this adventure to my bucket list was an outstanding idea, I want to save my full thoughts for the final post to conclude number 34. so I will stop there. Number… Continue reading 34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 4 & 3

Bucket List

34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 6 & 5

For the past couple of months my friends and I have been moving through the top ten greatest films of all time. We polished off five films so far and now have five to go. I was especially excited for this pair of films, and if I'm being totally honest I was really just over… Continue reading 34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 6 & 5

Bucket List, Greek Life

34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 10 & 9

I’ll start by saying this bucket list item is going to be a process. Every other week myself and 4 friends of mine from High School, or some subset of that group, get together and watch one of the movies from the top 10 list while eating dinner. I am a big fan of theme… Continue reading 34. 10 greatest American movies of all time # 10 & 9